Szwecja / Jordania
Wielka Brytania
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The inspirational work of the Reading Ukrainian Community Centre is non-stop, and it’s changing lives!
— The Prince and Princess of Wales (@KensingtonRoyal) November 17, 2022
Providing practical advice on employment and housing, delivering educational classes for children and building social connections, the centre is at the heart of the community.
Children's Princess #PrinceofWales
— AC (@theworldofAC) November 17, 2022
She apologised as she wiped away a tear, and Kate replied: "It's understandable everything you have experienced."
— Rebecca English (@RE_DailyMail) November 17, 2022
The Princess touched her heart and said: "I wish we could do more.
Kate then had photos taken with Galina’s son Renat, and Zlata, the daughter of a friend, who’d done a drawing for the Princess
— Rhiannon Mills (@SkyRhiannon) November 17, 2022
💜 "My dream has come true"
— Rugby League World Cup 2021 (@RLWC2021) November 17, 2022
It was an unforgettable day for some of our Inclusive Volunteers when they met the Princess of Wales earlier this month.
Working with @ComIntCare, we have provided unique opportunities to people with support needs throughout RLWC2021.#RLWC2021
We’ve had a lovely stay at Clarence House and Buckingham Palace (doing our best to keep out of mischief…)
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) November 18, 2022
Looking forward to arriving at our new homes next week!
Looks like the Paddingtons have been having fun at Buckingham Palace and Clarence House before they find new homes with @barnardos where they will bring happiness to so many children at Christmas. Just what Queen Elizabeth would have wanted 🧸
— Rebecca English (@RE_DailyMail) November 18, 2022
📸 @RoyalFamily
On the occasion of awarding the Sports Medals for Physical Education and Sport at the Louis II Stadium, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene presented the medals to the 58 recipients.
— ChristinZ (@ChristinsQueens) November 17, 2022
📸 Eric Mathon // Prince's Palace
Het @ComitevoorO - onder wie comitélid koningin Máxima - biedt @MinisterEZK en @voorzittermkbnl nieuwe rapport @staatvanhetmkb aan. Daarin staat een routekaart voor mkb: voor richting naar groen, groei productiviteit, digitalisering en toegang tot talent en financiering.
— Rick Evers (@RickEversRoyal) November 17, 2022
Urocze misie na pewno sprawią dzieciom wiele radości
OdpowiedzUsuńKrólowa Sylvia pięknie wygladała w wieczorowej stylizacji, klasa sama w sobie.Krolowa Letizia w granatowej sukni i w pieknych kolczykach swojej teściowej perfekcja. Musza byc w dobrych relacjach skoro synowa nosi bizuterie tesciowej a przypuszczam ze to bie nie klejnoty rodowe a prywatna wlasnosc Sofii
OdpowiedzUsuńNie wiem, czyj to był pomysł, aby misie wyczyścić, oddać do hospicjum i sfotografować w Pałacu, ale było to genialne.
OdpowiedzUsuńLetizia jak zwykle najbardziej stylowa.
Na pomysł oddania misów dzieciom wpadła sama królowa Camilla :) Co do fotografii w Pałacu Buckingham i Clarence House nie wiadomo, ale przypuszczam, że też ona :)